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Eight pictures to understand the performance of the laser industry in the first quarter: what is the impact of the epidemic?

Revenue ranking

In the revenue ranking in the first quarter of 2020, the total revenue of Han's laser is still far ahead. Although it has decreased compared with last year, it is still maintained at more than 1.5 billion yuan. Huagong technology ranked second with $759 million. There were three enterprises with a revenue of more than 200 million yuan in the first quarter, namely Zhengye technology, Yawei shares and dill laser.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping

Among the 12 listed companies included in the statistics, only dill laser, Zhengye technology, becchu electronics and optical library technology maintained growth. Among them, Deere laser is located in Wuhan, the hardest hit area of the epidemic, but it is still the enterprise with the highest revenue growth. The other two Wuhan enterprises Ruike laser and Jinyun laser became the two enterprises with the largest decline, with a year-on-year decrease of 66.05% and 68.70%. Zhengye technology, located in Dongguan, launched the automatic production line business of mask machine in early February, forming a certain business increment, making up for the losses of other businesses, and increasing the performance by 17.98%.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping

Net profit ranking

While the revenue generally decreased, the net profit of various enterprises also shrank to varying degrees. Han's laser is the only enterprise with a net profit of more than 100 million. Deere laser and Bochu electronics rank second and third with 72 million and 52 million respectively. Huagong technology and Jinyun laser, located in Wuhan, suffered losses.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping

While the revenue generally decreased, the net profit of various enterprises also shrank to varying degrees. Han's laser is the only enterprise with a net profit of more than 100 million. Deere laser and Bochu electronics rank second and third with 72 million and 52 million respectively. Huagong technology and Jinyun laser, located in Wuhan, suffered losses.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

Profit margin ranking

The price war has not stopped, the epidemic situation has worsened, and the gross profit margin of enterprises has further declined. The gross profit margin of Baichu electronics, which is mainly engaged in laser cutting control system business, still ranks first, as high as 81.55%. Fujing technology ranked second with a gross profit margin of 51.03% in the first quarter, a year-on-year decrease of 6.4 percentage points; Dill laser ranked third with a gross profit margin of 49.57% in the first quarter, a year-on-year decrease of 5.28 percentage points. The most serious decline in gross profit margin is Ruike laser, which decreased by 8.15 percentage points compared with the first quarter of 2019. It is worth mentioning that the gross profit of Jinyun laser, Han's laser, jept, Yawei shares and Huagong technology increased slightly in the first quarter.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping

Pacchu electronics not only has the highest gross profit margin, but also has the highest net profit margin of 68.67%. It can be called the most profitable company. Dill laser, Fujing technology and optical library technology rank 2-4 respectively, and the net interest rate is higher than 10%. Huagong technology and Jinyun laser suffered losses, resulting in a negative net interest rate.

Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping



Data source: Quarterly Report of enterprises

OFweek laser network mapping

Although the R & D investment of Deere laser has the highest growth, it still can not catch up with the annual doubling of operating revenue. Therefore, the R & D investment of Deere laser accounts for only 3.62%, only higher than 2.92% of Jinyun laser. Jept R & D listed on the science and Innovation Board accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 19.63%. Han's laser, optical library technology and Baichu electronics account for more than 10%, and the R & D of guangyunda, Ruike laser and Fujing technology account for more than 8%.


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